Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Business Analysis Webinars for January 2019 - Part II

Data Modeling Best Practices for BA's and PM's
Presented by Ross Little, Executive Managing Partner at IAG Consulting

In this two-hour webinar participants will learn the essential concepts of data modeling required of today's Business Analyst and Project Manager. Effective requirements definition requires a fundamental understanding of data modeling. This webinar lays a foundation of the essential aspects of defining the data model and requirements for a project. IAG, the developer of this program, believes very strongly in this key Business Analysis competency. Every Project Manager and BA involved in requirements definition and modeling needs to know these critical concepts. Without a solid basis of data modeling skills, there is a significant risk that quality and value of use-case, business requirement, and business rule documentation will be significantly compromised. This 2 hour webinar is a perfect course that will give most PMs and BA's everything they need to mitigate this risk and be successful in their roles.
For someone involved or responsible for the business requirements, business architecture or business analysis on a software development project, there are large number of questions to be answered.
·        Do I need to be an expert in data modeling? (No, by the way)
·        How detailed do I need to define the data,
·        Why do I need a data model - especially if we're working on an existing system?
·        Do I need to produce a logical data model?
·        Do I need to know normalization theory (I hope not)?
·        What do we do about data if we're 'Agile'?
·        What about modeling or data definitions for a Business Intelligence project?
·        When and how do I gather data requirements with the SME's? What's the best way? 

Learning Objectives:

·        Understand the key concepts of conceptual and logical data modeling
·        Learn the steps to building a data model
·        Write clear and concise and consistent data definitions
·        Apply acceptable modeling principles
·        Use/apply consistent naming standards

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 16, 2019; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Host: IAG Consulting    @IAGConsulting
Cost: Free

Strategic Thinking
Presented by Johannah (Jody) Jones, PhD, President at Strategic Transformation

Steps to Developing a Strategic Mindset

Many organizations have the tendency to lose their grasp on long-term plans in order to get immediate results. That’s why strategic thinking skills are essential for employees at all levels.
Everyone needs to be able to evaluate ideas, devise alternatives, make hard choices and align tactics to reach business objectives.
This program offers you a powerful introduction to AMA’s Strategic Thinking seminar, explaining the combination of concepts around the skills needed to think strategically, and the practices that allow participants to develop and hone their skills in a classroom environment.
This course is designed for people who want to be able to move beyond day-to-day, reactionary thinking to gain a more long-term and future-focused perspective.

What You Will Learn

·        Traits that determine the ability to think strategically
·        An introduction to AMA’s 9-part model for strategic thinking
·        Tips for putting the model into practice in your daily life
While attending this preview is FREE, reservations are required.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 16, 2019; 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST
Host: American Management Association    @AMAnet
Cost: Free

Design Thinking and Project Management
Presented by: Bruce Gay

This webinar explores the intersection between design thinking and project management.
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, January 17, 2019; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Host: IT Metrics & Productivity Institute    @ITMPI
Cost: Free

Agile Transformation or Evolution?
Presented by Michael Roberts

In this webinar, we will discuss the pains of the “agile transformation” and determine if the organization is undergoing a transformation or an evolution of their people and processes.

Topic Areas:
·        Realizing that there is a change in the organization
·        Determining where your organization currently stands
·        Is the Agile mindset present?
·        Transform or Evolve?

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, January 22, 2019; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Host: ASPE Training    @ASPE_Training
Cost: Free

Requirements Definition Best Practices for Software RFPs
Presented by Rob Stewart, Senior Consultant at IAG Consulting

This two-hour webinar covers techniques and guidelines for defining the type of requirements needed for inclusion in an RFP for application software. In order for Project Managers and Business Analysts to evaluate vendors and their software proposals, the business requirements need to be appropriately defined and structured.
The methods for defining requirements for a software product are different than for custom developed solution. The documentation and templates of business requirements is different when they’re being written for vendor selection. The level of detail and what included and excluded is critical to a successful vendor assessment. Learn answers to these questions and more in this valuable webinar.

Learning Objectives:

1.      Learn an effective approach for collecting requirements for inclusion in an RFP
2.      Understand the essential types of requirements to be elicited and included in commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) RFP
3.      Learn what should be included and the sufficient level of detail for an RFQ/RFP
4.      Learn the best format and templates for writing requirements for a COTS solution

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 23, 2019; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
Host: IAG Consulting    @IAGConsulting
Cost: Free

Change By Project!
Presented by: Lorenz Gareis

In this webinar we explore the relationship between projects and change.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 23, 2019; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Host: IT Metrics & Productivity Institute    @ITMPI
Cost: Free

Reclaim Your Success: Lessons from Disrupters - Success Strategies from Women Who Break the Mold
Presented by Dr. Patti Fletcher, Best Selling Author “Disrupters: Success Strategies for Women Who Break the Mold”

This webcast will inspire you to view yourself as a leader fully capable of disrupting the status quo. It will also offer insights into how to develop the mindsets and characteristics of supernova women who disrupt the world around them for the greater good.
Dr. Patti Fletcher, speaker, advocate, leadership futurist, and author of Disrupters: Success Strategies from Women Who Break the Mold, shares how a disrupter's mindset enables women to not just break the glass ceiling, but shatter it against all odds. You will take away an action plan with specific lessons learned that can be put into practice right away. 

What You Will Learn

·        Inspiration to see themselves as key leaders who are on point and fully capable of disrupting the status quo
·        Enablement to understand the common factors and characteristics of supernova women who disrupt the world around us for the greater good
·        An action plan with specific lessons learned that can be put into practice immediately and continued in the future.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 23, 2019; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST
Host: American Management Association    @AMAnet
Cost: Free

Effectively Communicating in the Moment
Presented by Susan Mason, Principal at Vital Visions Consultant

Speaking on the Spot with Clarity and Precision
It’s happened to all of us—you’re asked unexpectedly during a meeting to give a project update, or are stopped in the hallway with an important question, or are cornered in a challenging conversation. You can’t plan for these unrehearsed events, but you can take steps to always be confident and ready when they do happen. 
This preview of the AMA seminar Effectively Communicating in the Moment explains how this course helps you develop your in-the-moment communication skills and will offer some tactics you can start using immediately to become a more effective communicator.
What You Will Learn

·        Advice for keeping your composure while taking time to respond
·        What to do when you are being pushed for an answer
·        Ways to deliver your message confidently
·        Specific stalling techniques that exude competence
While attending this preview is FREE, reservations are required.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 23, 2019; 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST
Host: American Management Association    @AMAnet
Cost: Free

9 Things Ultra Successful Project Leaders Do Differently
Presented by: Hector Del Castillo

This webinar shares nine insights to help you become an ultra-successful project leader.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, January 24, 2019; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EST
Host: IT Metrics & Productivity Institute    @ITMPI
Cost: Free

BA Toolkit: Top Visual Models for Complete Business Analysis
Presented by Elizabeth Larson, Founder and CEO, Watermark Learning

How often do we hear “Create a data model? That’s not BA work,” or “Prototyping? Our developers do that.” Or “Use cases? Why won’t they just go away?!” Many organizations think that business analysis is all about asking questions and documenting the requirements. Although important, those skills are not enough. If we want a complete set of requirements, we need to model them. This presentation provides the key modeling techniques and tips for using them for project success. 

During this presentation we cover the top models business analysis practitioners can use in their “toolkit” for complete requirements analysis. We will review each of the models by category and discuss the importance of modeling to getting the requirements right, emphasizing the relationship between elicitation and modeling. 

This presentation focuses on:

·        The importance of modeling in getting requirements right
·        How models work together to reduce analysis time and provide complete requirements
·        When to use data, process, use case and prototypes models
·        Which models to use during major stages of the project lifecycle
·        The iterative nature of requirements elicitation and modeling 

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, January 24, 2019; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Host: Modern Analyst    @ModernAnalyst
Cost: Free

Five Principles for Managing Your Application Lifecycle with SpiraTeam®
Presented by Dr. Sriram Rajagopalan, Inflectra Corporation

This webinar opens Inflectra's five-part online training course on agile project lifecycle management called: Journey Into Agile With Inflectra.

The value of any software is in the solution it brings to customer’s problems. This value cycle is not linear but cyclical as the application lifecycle evolves. This webinar establishes the five essential steps in the lifecycle framework:
·        Requirements gathering
·        Test case development
·        Requirements traceability
·        Defect Management
·        Management transparency
This webinar will introduce a framework agnostic ALM tool, SpiraTeam - for participants to apply the theoretic aspects discussed during the webinar.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, January 24, 2019; 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Host: Inflectra Corporation
Cost: Free

The Project Revolution
Presented by Antonio Nieto-Rodgiquez, Mike Canning

Projects are becoming the essential model to deliver change and create value for organizations around the world. Join Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez and Mike Canning in a conversation to learn more about the project revolution and the new skills required of today’s successful leaders. This live webinar will cover:

·        How the Project Landscape is Changing Around the World
·        What these changes mean to you
·        The implications for you as a leader

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, January 29, 2019; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
Host: Strategy Execution    @2080strategyex
Cost: Free

Writing a Business Use Case in 7 Steps
Presented by IAG Consulting

This two-hour webinar gets right to the point and covers the essential steps of a practical process for writing business use cases. It is all based on industry best practices and employs IAG's proven experience and techniques for practical requirements definition.  This webinar will explain what Business Use Cases are and how to document them. Using the business case of an innovative iPhone application, the course will follow a simple seven-step process for writing Use Cases as well as provide strategies for dealing with the common challenges of defining them. Participants will learn use-case documentation and modeling techniques using standard templates, worksheets and checklists.  It will provide Project Managers and Business Analysts with a clear understanding of what they need to know, and what they need to do, to easily identify and write the use cases they need for their next project.

Key content covered in the webinar:

·        Business Use Cases and Business Requirements
·        Use Cases, the Application Life Cycle, and the Project Management Process
·        The Components of a Use Case
·        The Different Forms of Use Cases
·        The Seven Steps to Writing a Business Use Case
·        Detailed Use Case Modeling
·        Tips for Eliciting Use Cases
·        Use Cases and Business Rules
·        Use Cases and User Stories in an Agile Approach
·        Next Steps - What do you do when you're done?

Get specific answers to:

·        "Which comes first use cases or requirements? or What's the difference between use cases and requirements?"
·        "What is the difference between a business and a system use case"
·        "How do you determine what the uses cases are for a system/project?"
·        "How many use cases do I need?"
·        "How detailed do the use cases need to be?"
·        "What questions should I ask to build a good use case?
·        "How many alternate flows do I need?"
·        "When do I know I'm done?
·        "What is the purpose of use case diagrams?"      

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 30, 2019; 10:00 am – 12:00 am EST
Host: IAG Consulting    @IAGConsulting
Cost: Free

FranklinCovey’s 7 Habits® Seminar
Presented by Eileen Land, e-Learning Strategist at FranklinCovey

Create lifetime success with The 7 Habits®

Get a powerful introduction to the highly popular, hands-on seminar, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®, based on the international bestseller. In this preview, you will discover how The 7 Habits® can help you to lead yourself more effectively, engage and collaborate with others more successfully, and continually renew these capabilities. Your team and organization can also learn and harness these qualities for maximum results.
If you’ve ever wondered if The 7 Habits® are right for you, or just want to learn more, don’t miss this preview of the world’s premier leadership development solution.

What You Will Learn

·        Why The 7 Habits® are relevant in the 21st century
·        What “effectiveness” means in an ever-changing, chaotic world 
·        How to grow your personal capabilities and interpersonal relationships
·        How our paradigms affect our ability to achieve what matters most to us  
·        The importance of self-renewal in creating and sustaining results
Attending this preview is COMPLIMENTARY, but reservations are required.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, January 30, 2019; 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST
Host: American Management Association    @AMAnet
Cost: Free

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