Monday, June 15, 2020

Business Analysis Webinars for June 2020 - Part II

CAJ Virtual Lean Coffee 009
Presented by Coaching Agile Journeys

Join us for our virtual lean coffee.
We will be dynamically creating our agenda from agile topics and discussing as time allows.
If possible, please join the discussion with your video turned on.
You can learn about Virtual Lean Coffee in this post from Mark Kilby

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Monday, June 15, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: Coaching Agile Journeys    @CoachingAgileJo
Cost: Free

Lessons Learned from Implementing Evidence-Based Management
Presented by Todd Miller, PST

Improving the way teams work and what is being delivered requires conversations with management and stakeholders. Driving these conversations requires data based on measurements in order to put a plan for change in place and garner ways to know if your plan is working.  This includes strong visualizations to help drive the conversation.    Professional Scrum Trainer Todd Miller will discuss how he has worked with several organizations to introduce Evidence-Based Management (EBM) as a way to measure and drive the conversation based on qualitative data.  Todd will share his success stories and challenges from using EBM in companies ranging from health insurance, insurance, retail, and multiple product development companies including SaaS and PaaS. This webinar will be moderated by Patricia Kong, Product Owner - Enterprise Solutions,

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 16, 2020; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Cost: Free

The State of the Business Analysis Profession in the Digital Age
Presented by Delvin Fletcher, President and CEO at IIBA

Digital transformation is becoming an increasingly high priority for organizations, and the demand for the business analysis profession is growing and changing with the marketplace. How do you stay relevant and give your career and salary a boost? Find out how your role as a BA can be used to help your organization improve critical business processes.  

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 16, 2020; 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EDT
Host: International Institute of Business Analysis    @IIBA

Study Tips You Need for Your IIBA Certification Exam
Presented by LN Mishra, CBAP, AAC, CDBA, CCA

Achieving IIBA certifications, represents your solid understanding and high proficiency of the competencies within the business analysis domain, a high growth area, and provides you with a professional certification that has international market recognition. IIBA certifications also help BA professionals unlock their potential to a host of job opportunities, salary benefits, and career growth.

In this webinar we will cover:
- The IIBA certifications process
- Detailed preparation process for the IIBA examinations
- Aspects to focus on when one prepares for the IIBA examinations
- Tips and tricks for the IIBA examinations

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 17, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: International Institute of Business Analysis    @IIBA
Cost: Free

Success in Business Analysis - with a Mindset
Presented by Yulia Kosarenko, Principal Consultant at Why Change Consulting and author of Business Analyst: a Profession and a Mindset

The concept of the business analyst mindset, first outlined in the author’s book, is central to this presentation. We look at the key challenges of business analysis and discuss how to approach them with the right mindset. From solving the right business problem to taking responsibility for a shared understanding of requirements, to being part of the solution – the focus is on what makes a business analyst successful.
The presentation will touch on each of the twelve BA mindset principles, providing practical advice on how to follow them in day-to-day life on a project.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 17, 2020; 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm EDT
Host: Bluegrass, Cincinnati and Palmetto IIBA Chapters    @IIBABluegrass
Cost: Free

Agility from Different Viewpoints to Influence Digital Transformation
Presented by Fabrício Laguna, CBAP, PMP, MBA

Are you leading an agile transformation or just following it? In the agile extension of the BABOK Guide, IIBA presents 3 different horizons to plan work as a business analyst and agile practitioner. The role you play in your organization will shape how far you can influence the agile transformation in your organization. IIBA members should continuously work to be more and more strategic, not just to enhance their individual careers, but because this is how they can effectively help organizations to achieve better business outcomes.

The Austrian author Klaus Leopold in the book Rethinking Agile, proposes the concepts of Flight Levels to point why several tenants of agile transformations fail by focusing on only one level. Horizons and Flight levels are very similar metaphors, with some differences we will discuss in this webinar. Understanding agility from these different viewpoints will help you influence digital transformation in your organization.

Audience: IIBA Members
Date/Time: Thursday, June 18, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: International Institute of Business Analysis    @IIBA
Cost: Free

Agile Analysis Virtual Meetup
Presented by: Aaron Whittenberger, CBAP, CSPO, AAC

This is an online chat session with one of our Agile Analysis mentors. Whether you just want to learn more about the business analyst role in an agile context, the agile framework, your organization is going through an agile transformation, or you are interested in obtaining the IIBA® Agile Analysis Certification (IIBA®-AAC) this session is for you. We can discuss the Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide, the Scrum Guide™, the agile framework, or the IIBA®-AAC certification. Whatever you wish to discuss, come let’s talk. Anyone interested in talking agile, or pursuing the IIBA®-AAC Certification is welcome to come and ask questions of our Agile mentor.

Target Audience:
Professionals seeking to understand the agile analyst role         
• Professionals seeking knowledge of agile frameworks
• Professionals seeking IIBA®-AAC Certification  

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Friday, June 19, 2020; 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: Bluegrass IIBA Chapter    @IIBABluegrass
Cost: Free

Augment Business Analysis Skills with Specialized Certification
Presented by Winton Myers and Abhishek Srivastava

As digital transforms the way organizations do business, the roles where business analysis professionals’ practice are also changing. The rapid adoption of agile analysis has emerged new, in-demand roles for business analysis professionals with the right experience, knowledge, and skill sets. In this webinar we’ll discuss these career paths for BAs, examine the market demand, and share how BAs can prepare themselves for the next step in their careers with specialized certifications like Agile Analysis Certification (IIBA®-AAC).

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 24, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: International Institute of Business Analysis    @IIBA
Cost: Free

Applied Requirements Engineering: How to increase project success in any project setting
Presented by Stan Bühne, Vice Managing Director at IREB GmbH

Key Message: Requirements Engineering (RE) skills are massively underestimated in many projects
• Today, software development must cope with multiple challenges Increased complexity of system and environment
• New competitors that arrive in the digital market space
• Limited time-to-market for new products
• Stretched IT/ project budgets 

Consequently, companies may switch to adaptive/agile approaches to address these challenges. In the transformation phase from plan-driven to adaptive/agile approaches, they are often tempted to save time and effort when it comes to requirements elicitation, analysis and documentation. This often results in software that does not meet user expectations at all. 
The reasons are unclear requirements at all stages of development: 
• Designers and developers who do not know the actual needs and requirements
• Testers who cannot validate the solution due to missing requirements
• Product owners who have lost the overview of existing software capabilities 

Even in an adaptive/agile world, requirements still need to be elicited, understood, documented, consolidated and managed – though perhaps to a lesser extent than in classical, plan-driven approaches. 
When attending the webinar, you will: 
• Understand the fundamental principles of RE.
• Learn how RE makes the difference in your projects. 
• Learn how to find the best fitting RE approach for your project setup. 
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, June 24, 2020; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Host: Modern Analyst    @ModernAnalyst
Cost: Free

Presented by Mary Lemmer

One of the many things we’ve learned in 2020 is that there is a lot we cannot control! Everything is changing and we’re always figuring it out as we go. Whether they realize it or not, leaders are improv comedians, often with worse senses of humor :). Great business leaders and great improvisers adapt to change, build trust among teams, communicate clearly, and make decisions with limited information. Just like improv comedians create their scripts from scratch and are masters of handling uncertainty, we can learn to embrace uncertainty and change, turning chaos into comedy. During this jam session (webinar), we’ll share principles and techniques to improvise your leadership and teams all while having fun and laughing!

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Friday, June 25, 2020; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Host: Netmind    @Netmind_US
Cost: Free

Enterprise Agility: Buzz or Business Impact
Presented by Christopher Handscomb, Partner at McKinsey and Dave West  

Many organizations are racing to become more agile. But do the numbers support the hype? Does adopting an agile operating model have a direct impact on the bottom line? In this webinar, Christopher Handscomb, partner at McKinsey and Dave West, CEO discuss the results of new research on measuring the impact of agility on the bottom line. They discuss the value of agile and how it really does make a difference on performance and results.
The webinar will cover how financial performance is improved by direct impact on three key areas of employee engagement, customer satisfaction and operational performance. 

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 30, 2020; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Cost: Free

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