Friday, October 22, 2021

Business Analysis Webinars for October 2021 - Part IV

Please scroll down to the date, or name, of the webinar in which you are interested.

CAJ 066-Jennifer Eolin-What’s the connection between data and storytelling and why is it important?

Presented by Jennifer Eolin


Have you ever had all the right data, but you were stilll unable to tell the right story, and why that story matters?

We all have that person in our lives who likes to join a movie in the middle. While we’re happy to have their company, the rest of the movie is mired with questions such as

    Who is that?

    Why are they doing that?

    How does that make sense?

We get frustrated and likely shut them down, hoping they just figure it out quietly on their own so we can enjoy the rest of the movie. What would you say if I told you that every time you present a static chart w/out context you are essentially starting a movie in the middle and expecting your audience to just “get it”?

This session will allow the audience to leave with a plan to immediately apply to the evolution and impact of their data reports. It will also dig into how contextual data engages audiences and naturally drives data-driven decisions without mandates or leading bias.


In short: Everything is a story and everybody is a storyteller.


Audience: Public

Date/Time: Monday, October 25, 2021; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT

Host: Coaching Agile Journeys     @CoachingAgileJo

Cost: Free






Dynamic Flow Within Teams: Understanding the Interacting Forces Bringing Teams Together and Tearing Them Apart

Presented by Jamison Manion


This webinar will introduce you to a dynamic theory of human temperaments called the Enneagram in which you’ll gain new insights into the patterns of flow that shape your life and the lives of everyone you work with.


Audience: Public

Date/Time: Wednesday, October 27, 2021; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT

Host: The Great IT Pro

Cost: Free






Finding Your Place in a New, Digital World

Presented by Michael Milutis


In this webinar, we will address the bewilderment that many of you feel when faced with new, difficult to understand technology trends and will give you the mindset you need to flourish in this new world.


Audience: Public

Date/Time: Wednesday, October 27, 2021; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT

Host: The Great IT Pro

Cost: Free






How to Achieve 10X Growth in Your BA Career - Live Expert Discussion - US and Europe

Presented by LN Mishra, AdaptiveUS


Thousands of BAs Earn Significantly More with Us. Will You Be the Next? Attend the FREE IIBA Live Exam Prep Training with our expert faculty & Grab the LIGHTNING DEAL exclusively for webinar attendees! Offer will be announced at the end of the webinar!


Audience: Public

Date/Time: Thursday, October 28, 2021; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT

Host: Adaptive US      @AdaptiveUS

Cost: Free



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