Please scroll down to the date, or name, of the webinar in
which you are interested.
Communication, Engagement
& Influence: Honing Three Key BA Skills
Presented by Adrian Reed, Principal Consultant, Blackmetric
Business Solutions
BAs tend to be natural communicators, but we’ve probably all
experienced situations where stakeholders just don’t seem to listen.
Meetings are held, decisions are made, but a week later the same issues
are raised yet again. Why is this? Is it possible that sometimes we don’t
make enough of an impact?
Communication, engagement and influence are key antidotes to this problem. In
this practical presentation you’ll hear:
- How the trio of communication,
engagement and influence are crucial
- How communicating facts alone isn’t
enough: It’s all about the story…
- How engagement starts by being
Audience: IIBA Member
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 6, 2023; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Host: International Institute of Business Analysis @IIBA
What Does It Mean To Be
a Senior BA?
Presented by Yulia Kosarenko, Principal Consultant, Why
Change Consulting
Webinar with Yulia Kosarenko, the author of "Business
Analyst: A Profession and a Mindset", business analysis coach and content
Virtual webinar: September 6, 2023, @12-1 pm EDT (4-5 pm GMT
| 9-10 am PST).
This webinar will answer your questions about growing in
your business analysis career:
• What is the difference between a
senior and a junior role?
• Do you need special skills to become a
Senior BA?
• What are the additional
• How to prepare for a senior role?
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 6, 2023; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Host: Why Change Consulting and Bluegrass IIBA Chapter @why__change @IIBABluegrass
The Data Analysis
Presented by Educate 360, Watermark Learning
It is essential for organizations to understand and employ a
data analytics framework that supports the logical progression of the data
analysis process. This framework is a vital roadmap, especially for those new
to data analytics. By 2024, organizations that lack a sustainable data and
analytics operationalization framework will have their initiatives set back by
up to two years. Let's breakdown the Data Analysis Process and how you can
apply it within your organization.
Register today to learn:
• Understand the importance of a data
analytics framework.
• Learn the components of a data
analysis process.
• How to apply the data analysis process
within their organizations.
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 6 ,2023; 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Host: Educate 360 and Watermark Learning @WatermarkLearn
Ask a Professional
Scrum Trainer - Ciprian Banica - Switzerland
Presented by Ciprian Banica, Professional Scrum Master
Scrum has been in existence for more than 25 years as a
simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex products. While it
is lightweight and simple to understand, it can be difficult to apply
effectively. The Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer series features
Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) in a live session, answering your most
pressing questions regarding the challenges and situations your Scrum Teams are
facing. In this live session of Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer, PST Ciprian
Banica based in Switzerland will be available to answer your burning questions
about Scrum and the challenges you or your teams have.
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, September 7, 2023; 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Back to the Feature – A
Practical Guide to Iterative Analysis
Presented by Stuart Mann, Agile Coach
The agile manifesto tells us to value “working software over
comprehensive documentation” but how can we practically apply this value
without sacrificing quality and rigour? How can we ensure that our requirement
providers and analysts connect with our coders and testers to deliver fast,
reliable value? How do you solve the analysis conundrum and eliminate the
“documentation handoff” that plagues many teams?
In this presentation, we’ll cover how teams can use feature
hypotheses to write just the right amount of documentation, methods to split
features into the smallest possible chunk of value for iterative analysis, how
to get fast feedback on outcomes and how an innovation day can change the paradigm
and move you to documentation-less development.
The talk is jam-packed with practical examples from the
presenter’s experience managing agile transformations and uses storytelling
throughout to illustrate key points
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, September 7, 2023; 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Host: Blackmetric Business Solutions @Blackmetric
Webinar: IIBA®
Certification Screen-side Chat
Presented by Meredith
Neuman, Team Lead, Bastian Solutions
This is a free online chat session with some of our
CBAP® recipients. The CBAP mentors will tell you of their journey to become
IIBA® Certified, provide tips & tricks on anything related
to IIBA Certification from the application process to re-certification. Anyone
interested in ECBA™, CCBA® or CBAP® certification is welcome to come and
ask questions of our CBAP mentors.
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Friday, September 8, 2023; 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Host: Bluegrass IIBA Chapter @IIBABluegrass
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