Monday, October 1, 2018

Business Analysis Webinars for October 2018

Addressing Project Change Without Pain
Presented by: Lory Wingate

During this webinar, we will discuss how to identify the key performance areas impacted by change on a project, and will provide specific examples and models that can immediately be used by the audience to channel change into successful project outcomes.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 2, 2018; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: IT Metrics & Productivity Institute    @ITMPI
Cost: Free
Registration:   ITMPI Public Webinar Registration

Telling Stories with Data
Presented by Dt. Martin Schedlbauer, Ph.D, CBAP, OCUP, Senior Trainer and Consultant at Corporate Education Group

Good decisions are made when executives and managers understand the story behind complex data. In this presentation, we look at how data can be presented visually in an impactful and compelling way that drives action and decision. Participants will learn about different chart types and how to summarize data in explanatory visualizations. Through many examples, the webinar will demonstrate how to create effective visualizations, such as charts and graphs, and make them easier to read and understand. It is geared towards anyone who wants to use visualizations to tell a story with data.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 2, 2018; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Host: Corporate Education Group    @CorpEdGroup
Cost: Free
Registration:   Corp Ed Group Webinar Registration Group  

Strategic Thinking
Presented by Johannah (Jody) Jones, Ph.D, President at Strategic Transformation

Steps to Developing a Strategic Mindset

Many organizations have the tendency to lose their grasp on long-term plans in order to get immediate results. That’s why strategic thinking skills are essential for employees at all levels.

Everyone needs to be able to evaluate ideas, devise alternatives, make hard choices and align tactics to reach business objectives.

This program offers you a powerful introduction to AMA’s Strategic Thinking seminar, explaining the combination of concepts around the skills needed to think strategically, and the practices that allow participants to develop and hone their skills in a classroom environment.

This course is designed for people who want to be able to move beyond day-to-day, reactionary thinking to gain a more long-term and future-focused perspective.

What You Will Learn

·        Traits that determine the ability to think strategically 
·        An introduction to AMA’s 9-part model for strategic thinking 
·        Tips for putting the model into practice in your daily life 

While attending this preview is FREE, reservations are required.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 3, 2018; 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm EDT
Host: American Management Association    @AMAnet
Cost: Free
Registration:   AMA Public Webcast Registration

IIBA Certification Chat
Presented by Rich Larson, PMP, CBAP, PMI-PBA, Co-founder, Watermark Learning

The event is a free chat session using webinar technology. It features written questions and live answers by an experienced CBAP from Watermark Learning. Topics include anything related to IIBA's certifications you want, ranging from the ECBA, CCBA, or CBAP application to the exams to re-certification.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Friday, October 5, 2018; 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: Watermark Learning    @WatermarkLearn
Cost: Free
Registration:   IIBA Certification Chat Registration


Data Modeling Best Practices for BA's and PM's
Presented by Ross Little, Executive Managing Partner at IAG Consulting

In this two-hour webinar participants will learn the essential concepts of data modeling for Business Analysts and Project Managers. Effective requirements definition requires a fundamental understanding of data modeling. Without it there is a significant risk that quality and value of process models, use-cases, user stories, requirements, and business rules could be significantly compromised. This two hour webinar is a perfect course that will give most PMs and BA’s everything they need to mitigate this risk and be successful in their roles.

For someone involved or responsible for the business requirements, business architecture or business analysis on a software development project, there are large number of questions to be answered.

·        Do I need to be an expert in data modeling? (No, by the way)
·        How detailed do I need to define the data,
·        Why do I need a data model - especially if we're working on an existing system?
·        Do I need to produce a logical data model?
·        Do I need to know normalization theory (I hope not)?
·        What do we do about data if we're 'Agile'?
·        What about modeling or data definitions for a Business Intelligence project?
·        When and how do I gather data requirements with the SME's? What's the best way? 

Learning Objectives:

·        Understand the key concepts of conceptual and logical data modeling
·        Learn the steps to building a data model
·        Write clear and concise and consistent data definitions
·        Apply acceptable modeling principles
·        Use/apply consistent naming standards

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 10, 2018; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Host: IAG Consulting    @IAGConsulting
Cost: Free
Registration:   IAG Consulting Public Webinar Registration

The Data Conversion Cycle
Presented by: Dave Gordon

This webinar describes a generalized approach to data conversion that can be used by a cross-functional project team tasked with migrating data records to a new system.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 10, 2018; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: IT Metrics & Productivity Institute    @ITMPI
Cost: Free
Registration:   ITMPI Public Webinar Registration

Growth, Innovation and Engagement: Brainstorming for Innovation
Presented by Marie Bankuti, PCC, CPCC, PMP, Senior Trainer and Consultant at Corporate Education Group

Inspire innovative approaches to old problems and rise above old solutions. Research has shown that most brainstorming is no more effective than the same people generating ideas on their own. Learn a group process for setting clear goals, engaging participants, and designing an environment where creativity thrives and diverse ideas percolate toward new solutions.

In this interactive webinar you'll learn:

·        How to use brainstorming for innovation and team building
·        Ways to create an environment conducive to innovation
·        Creative ideas to experiment with and tools to use for implementing solutions

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 10, 2018; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Host: Corporate Education Group    @CorpEdGroup
Cost: Free
Registration:    Corp Ed Group Webinar Registration

Effectively Communicating in the Moment  
Presented by Susan Mason, Principal at Vital Visions Consultants

Speaking on the Spot with Clarity and Precision

It’s happened to all of us—you’re asked unexpectedly during a meeting to give a project update, or are stopped in the hallway with an important question, or are cornered in a challenging conversation. You can’t plan for these unrehearsed events, but you can take steps to always be confident and ready when they do happen. 

This preview of the AMA seminar Effectively Communicating in the Moment explains how this course helps you develop your in-the-moment communication skills and will offer some tactics you can start using immediately to become a more effective communicator.

What You Will Learn

·        Advice for keeping your composure while taking time to respond 
·        What to do when you are being pushed for an answer 
·        Ways to deliver your message confidently 
·        Specific stalling techniques that exude competence

While attending this preview is FREE, reservations are required.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 10, 2018; 3:00 p m – 4:00 pm EDT
Host: American Management Association    @AMAnet
Cost: Free
Registration:   AMA Public Webcast Registration

Managing Project Scope Creep: Best Practices
Presented by: Robert Gordon

This webinar will focus on best practices to keep scope creep under control, without alienating the client.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, October 11, 2018; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: IT Metrics & Productivity Institute    @ITMPI
Cost: Free
Registration:   ITMPI Public Webinar Registration

Disrupting Requirements: Finding a Better Way
Presented by Christer Froling at Reuse Company, Michael Jastram at Jama Softare, and Colin Hood at Colin Hood Systems Engineering Ltd.

There’s no magic key to unlock requirements management.

What works for an automotive company may be irrelevant to a team building consumer electronics.

That’s why we’re gathering a group of requirements management experts for a discussion, debate and Q&A session on:

·        Best practices that can be applied in various industries
·        Properly communicating requirements through writing
·        Completeness, correctness and consistency of requirements
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, October 11, 2018; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: Jama Software    @JamaSoftware
Cost: Free
Registration:   Jama Public Webinar Registration

Elements of Business Modeling
Presented by Ramsay Millar, Business Architect at InteGrate IT

Every sector today is being led by the wealthiest technology business leaders in history because those leaders embraced technology as a strategic capability. Eighty percent of executives believe “their business models are under attack” according to McKinsey Research. Leading organizations need business architects to build better business solutions.

Organizations who plan to survive rapid technology, cultural changes, cyber security threats, artificial intelligence, and demands for more business agility must find skilled business architects who guide, analyze, recommend, communicate, and guide high risk transformations. Are you a strategic business analyst who wishes to grow your career? 

In this webinar you will understand key Elements of Business Modeling insights and techniques required to become a highly effective business architect.

Topics covered include: 

·        Strategic modeling 
·        Stakeholder Analysis 
·        Capability model 
·        Concept model 
·        Customer Journey 
·        Process Scope 
·        Key Deliverables 

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, October 11, 2018; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Host: Modern Analyst    @ModernAnalyst
Cost: Free
Registration:   Modern Analyst Public Webinar Registration

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