Friday, July 19, 2019

Business Analysis Webinars for July 2019 - Part II

Legendary Service
Presented by Lisa Cox, Trainer and Consultant, Corporate Education Group

A positive interaction with your customers can go a long way, especially in this age of social media and internet reviews. Customers who experience top-notch service are likely to tell others about it, which can translate into more customers and more buzz. When customers feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to come back. But it’s not just customers that benefit from a service-minded culture – its’ also the employees of an organization. When employees feel empowered to go above and beyond to solve customer issues and provide next-level service, it creates a culture that puts service first in all relationships, internal and external, increasing collaboration, productivity, and the bottom line. This webinar will show you how to practice Legendary Service® and create a culture of service within your organization.

Learning Objectives:

·        Learn how to build customer loyalty by operating with a service mindset.
·        Create a sense of value in your customers.
·        Improve collaboration, innovation, and productivity throughout your organization by creating a culture of service.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 17, 2019; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Host: Corporate Education Group    @CorpEdGroup
Cost: Free

Don't be a Ditka
Presented by Daniel Vacanti

How good are you at estimating value?

Most teams make suboptimal prioritization/value decisions every day because they are forced to make those decisions under:
Conditions of scarcity (not enough time, money, or people)
Conditions of stress (customers want their requests handled right now and delivered yesterday)
Conditions of uncertainty (imperfect information about their current state and future state)
These poor decisions adversely affect their ability to effectively, efficiently, and predictably deliver value to their customers. While teams will not be able to change these conditions, they can learn to make better decisions by embracing them.

We will explore these topics using the 1999 NFL draft as a backdrop. In that year, Mike Ditka famously was overconfident in his ability to estimate player value and disastrously bet the farm on one pick. We will explore the options Mike Ditka had (and every team has) in the NFL draft as well as prioritization options we have on a daily basis. We will expose some flaws in the commonly used prioritization methods (By Value, CD3, WSJF etc.). We will also propose a mode of working that helps with effective prioritization under conditions of scarcity, stress and uncertainty.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Monday, July 22, 2019; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: Coaching Agile Journeys    @CoachingAgileJo
Cost: Free

Becoming an Agile Leader
Presented by

Agile leaders help their teams and organizations grow to meet new challenges and find new ways of working. They amplify the nascent capabilities in their teams by helping them to achieve their full potential. The experience can be deeply rewarding, but it can also be at times lonely and uncertain; Most aspiring agile leaders have few role models from whom they can learn, and they can experience indifferent support from their own senior managers. They also can feel anxiety as they let go of their traditional responsibilities and authority in order to help others grow their capability.

In this Scrum Pulse webinar, Kurt Bittner from and Ralph van Roosmalen from Management 3.0 will discuss the challenges leaders face as they try to grow their agility, how they can help their organizations to improve, and tools and practices that can help them to help themselves and their teams. Questions discussed will include:

·        Why would a manager want to give up their traditional authority to help a team grow? What’s in it for them?
·        What tools and practices can help? 
·        How can a manager working in a traditional organization work to empower their teams? 
·        How can managers and teams decide when the teams are ready for more responsibility? And what things can the manager do to help them take it on?
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, July 24, 2019; 11:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Cost: Free
Registration: Webcast Registration

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