Monday, June 1, 2020

Business Analysis Webinars for June 2020

Where have all the settlers gone?
Presented by John Albrecht

A Talk/Workshop to explore different motivations within organisations. What are the motivations behind individuals’ actions and what can we do to better understand and work with all the people in our organisations?

Working with teams in a variety of organisations I have noticed repeating patterns, behaviours and outcomes. People are so often pulling in different directions creating frustration rather than collaboration. A dive into shadow, projection transactional analysis, ego states, drama triangles and how there is an interplay with the scripts and games within our organisations and an exploration of the biggest game of all

What roles do we play and what options do we have to move forward and away from drama?

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Monday, June 1, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EDT
Host: Coaching Agile Journeys    @CoachingAgileJo
Cost: Free

Getting Good Outcomes from Difficult Conversations
Presented by Bekka Prideaux

In this webinar you will discover the 3 questions you need to answer so that you can get a good outcome from any difficult conversation.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 3, 2020; 11:00 am – 11:15 am EDT
Host: The Great IT Pro
Cost: Free

Cybersecurity Analysis Virtual Study Group Series | Session 1
Presented by Ken Fulmer, Former CEO and President at IIBA

The cybersecurity virtual study group webinar series is an exclusive benefit for IIBA members to help guide you through the key learning areas for the Certificate in Cybersecurity Analysis (IIBA®-CCA). In this 9 part series, each session will cover the core concepts in cybersecurity including the following topical areas: Introduction to Cybersecurity, Enterprise Cybersecurity Concepts, Enterprise Risk, Cybersecurity Risks and Controls, Securing the Layers, Data Security, User Access Control, Solution Delivery, and Operations. An interactive Q&A is included at the end of each session. This series is scheduled to run throughout the year starting with the Introduction to Cybersecurity. This session will focus on introducing cybersecurity imperatives into business analysis. 

Audience: IIBA Members
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 3, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: International Institute of Business Analysis    @IIBA
Cost: Free

Why IIBA Questions Live Discussions?
Presented by Adaptive US

IIBA examinations are hard to conquer. In this live training, Adaptive faculty will discuss different types of questions that come in IIBA exams, their answers and how to reach those answers. This training is invaluable for all those who want to get IIBA certified. The demand for BAs is all time high with US Department of Labor predicting 14% increase every year. It's worth repeating that IIBA certified BAs earn significantly more, they progress faster in their career and win the Best jobs.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 3, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: Adaptive US    @AdaptiveUS
Cost: Free


From the Business Analyst to the Boardroom
Presented by Guy Stone, CEO at Explain the Market

From the Business Analyst to the Boardroom 10 things to amplify your business analysis career:
1. Stop 'educating' and start learning
2. Learn to love opinion again
3. Accept how boardrooms view toolkits
4. Be yourself rather than 'a practitioner'
5. Identify and accept the decision making skills gap
6. Become famous but for the right reasons
7. Get the right sponsor
8. Stop working on weaknesses
9. Never, ever take an NLP course
10. Read textbooks - stop reading entrepreneur biographies immediately

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, June 4, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: International Institute of Business Analysis    @IIBA
Cost: Free

OLN Community Open Space: Thriving with change
Presented by Coaching Agile Journeys

You are Invited.

You are invited to join our first OLN community Open Space event as we discuss the theme: Thriving with change.

We help others in times of change, but now we find ourselves in the same boat with others, trying to adapt to the circumstances at hand.

You might be wondering how to answer questions such as: How does sudden global change impact us and our future? Can we thrive with change? What comes next for Agile Coaching, Agile, and organizations undergoing transformation and rapid change? How does the current world situation change the way we approach and show up to do our work? How will it affect our lives even after Coronavirus has passed?

How does this sudden shift into connected-video change things? Does this new medium encourage more or less openness?

Is the sudden shift to connected, online communication opening or closing access to decision rights?
What happens to the typical-meeting authority dynamics when everyone is presented equally in a Brady-bunch style, completely random video grid? Which square is the seat at the head of the table?
How do you lead in this new environment? How do you follow?

Do those with better communication skills in this medium have a new kind of superpower? An unbeatable advantage?

Is facilitation of meetings in this new medium essential? If so, what will happen to company culture as a result of this shift?

We invite you to our first OLN community Open Space to explore these questions and more. We are on a journey without maps, except as we co-create them. There are no simple answers, only an opportunity to explore and find our path together. You are invited to join the Open Leadership Network Community on June 4 at noon ET to begin the exploration.

*This is an Open Space ( event so prepare to engage and be surprised.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, June 4, 2020; 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: Coaching Agile Journeys    @CoachingAgileJo
Cost: Free

IIBA Certification Chat
Presented by Richard Larson, CBAP, PMP, Consultant at Watermark Learning

The event is a free chat session using webinar technology. It features written questions and live answers by an experienced CBAP from Watermark Learning. Topics include anything related to IIBA's certifications you want, ranging from the ECBA, CCBA, CBAP, or IIBA-AAC application to the exams to re-certification.  
Audience: Public
Date/Time: Friday; June 5, 2020; 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: Watermark Learning    @WatermarkLearn
Cost: Free

Transform Your Career By Developing Your Own Story
Presented by Hector Del Castillo

This webinar explains how a powerful "story" can help you land your next career move.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 9, 2020; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: The Great IT Pro
Cost: Free

IIBA Annual General Meeting & Board Election
Presented by IIBA

IIBA Members join us for our 2020 Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors Election. This year's AGM theme is Together Towards Tomorrow. In addition to sharing our 2019 milestones we will also discuss our 2020 initiatives and review our 2019 audited financial statements and 2020 resolutions. Polls will open 15 minutes after the AGM and will close after 48 hours. Members will vote on governance items and candidates running for election. Make your vote count!

Audience: IIBA Members
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 9, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: International Institute of Business Analysis    @IIBA
Cost: Free

Process Improvement Frameworks to Enable Sustainable and Profitable Automation  
Presented by Sam Chin

In this webinar, we will define the categories of decision making around sustaining profitability in a growing market place, specifically addressing the relationship between "automation", "scaling", and "growth".

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Wednesday, June 10, 2020; 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Host: The Great IT Pro
Cost: Free

Why IIBA Questions Live Discussions?
Presented by Adaptive US

IIBA examinations are hard to conquer. In this live training, Adaptive faculty will discuss different types of questions that come in IIBA exams, their answers and how to reach those answers. This training is invaluable for all those who want to get IIBA certified. The demand for BAs is all time high with US Department of Labor predicting 14% increase every year. It's worth repeating that IIBA certified BAs earn significantly more, they progress faster in their career and win the Best jobs.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Tuesday, June 10, 2020; 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT
Host: Adaptive US    @AdaptiveUS
Cost: Free

10 Recommendations to Improve AI Tool Selection  
Presented by Kristina Kohl

In this webinar, we outline “Top 10” suggestions for improving your organization’s Human Capital Management via digital transformation.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, June 11, 2020; 11:00 am – 11:15 am EDT
Host: The Great IT Pro
Cost: Free

The BA and Business Analytics  
Presented by Steve Blais, PMP, PMI-ACP, Author, Consultant, Teacher and Coach

It might be easy for the business analyst to pass the challenges of business analytics, with all of the statistics, math, algorithms, programming in strange languages like R and Python off to the data analysts and data scientists but at the same time we may find that we are passing control of the business and of our careers to someone else.

Business analytics does not work, at least it won’t work successfully, without having some kind of business problem to solve. Despite the mythology of data mining and data analysts coming up with magic associations and insights that no one ever saw before, it doesn’t really happen that way. The data analysts and data scientists are brilliant at applying algorithms to massive amounts of data to produce results, but someone has to understand what the organization’s problems and issues are and form the questions that the data scientists and analysts are going to answer with data. 

This webinar introduces you to the concepts of business analytics and data mining and how the business analyst plays an integral role in the overall success of business and data analytics in the organization. 

• It sounds similar, but it’s not your job? 
• Using business analytics 
• The business analytics value chain 
• The business analyst’s role and why it’s necessary
• Asking the right questions  

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, June 11, 2020; 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
Host: Modern Analyst    @ModernAnalyst
Cost: Free

Business Analysis Information Webinar
Panelists: Holly Zhang, CBAP, Diana Cooper, Nina Koo, Eunice MacCharles, CBAP, and Raquel Collins, MEd

Hear from a panel of industry experts and program administrators as they provide educational and career advancement advice. Learn more about the field of business analysis, industry trends, employment opportunities and the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®) and its Vancouver local chapter, as well as get informed about the award-winning UBC Certificate in Business Analysis.

Audience: Public
Date/Time: Thursday, June 11, 2020; 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm EDT
Host: The Great IT Pro
Cost: Free

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